Statement on RESTORE Act

The following is the Inventor’s Project’s official position on the recently introduced RESTORE Act.

As the Inventors Project, we represent a coalition of small inventors that support strong patent rights. Patents have proven their value in the American Economy, and have helped drive generation upon generation of American innovation. 

As the only “right” in the original constitution, as the thing celebrated by the first Congress by hosting the “Machine Room” across from the first Senate Chamber, as the public policy that Lincoln described as adding, “The fuel of interest to the fire of genius”, and one of the few fully equitable public policies, patents have helped shape and enable the American Dream. 

However, recent changes in the patent system have eroded their value. And, devaluing patents discourages innovation and has significant economic consequences.

Therefore, we are happy to support the RESTORE Act, and support the idea of helping restore the strength to patents that they deserve and that they need to function as intended. 

The power and strength of the patent system is based on incentives. If there are no repercussions for stealing an idea, and if there is no relief even after a judge has ruled that an invention has been infringed, then it is like we do not have a patent system. Predatory infringement becomes the business model, instead of research and development or licensing. 

Innovation has driven our country this far, and with the help of the RESTORE Act innovation will keep driving us forward. 

Charles Sauer, Director, Inventors Project 

Read the full bill here.

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